Young electrical engineers line workers

Young electrical engineers line workers
Inginerie tehnologie
Belgia - Belgia

Eurojob nu este responsabil
pentru continutul acestui job


Job requirements and tasks
Electromechanical engineering, electricity or electronics studies
Holder of a drivers license C and able to manipulate a crane on a truck and a lift to work on altitudes in a safe way
Maintenance of tools and measuring instruments
To place electricity poles and to remove poles, drawing cables and connect the poles to the electricity network
Being able to use personal protection equipment and to report unsafe situations
To be able to identify problems in electricity networks
To make a planning of the works and execute the works
Participate in work meetings and do a correct reporting
To be able to organized your work with attention to detail.
To find solutions for the problems occurred
To have a positive mind, in order to be able to work independent, as well as in a team
To be stress resistant, and to work with deadlines
To have good knowledge of English language. Other languages (French, Dutch) are considered as advantages
Maintenance of tools and measuring instruments
To work on low tensions and high tension, television distribution cables, lightening systems (sport infrastructure, roads, parking’s)

Descriere Job:

Our offer
The possibility to work in a young and growing company, together with an enthusiastic team; to work in a famous company recognized as a domain leader, with a clear vision of the future
To continuously improve your education, knowledge and experience
A financial compensation, proportional with your experience and contribution

Are you interested?
Send us your intention letter, with a detailed CV!
You can send your application by email to attention of ir. freddy jacobs


Freedy Jacobs

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